Tuesday, January 6, 2009

America, Here I Come!

Well things have finally gotten back to normal since the end of Chanukah and we are all back in our routine. Relatively.......

Tani was actually sick right after Chanukah (last week) with a little cold so I sent him to gan(everyone has a cold here now so it's pretty normal to send your snot-nosed kid). Anyway, I thought he was on the mend and then last Wednesday night he started getting crankier and crankier and was complaining that his ear hurt - not a good sign, AT ALL. However, we are VERY FORTUNATE to have a Dr. Sabba. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Dr. Sabba - my father-in-law, Tzvi Klein, lives about 5 minutes away and he is a pediatrician. He does not practice here (he does child development/psychology now) but his 30 or so years of experience come in very handy. So Dr. Sabba came over around 7 p.m., looked in Tani's ears and proclaimed that he, indeed, had a double ear infection. I must say that, thank G-d, Tani has been in very good health and hasn't had an ear infection in a long time. Anyway, back to the story - Dr. Sabba had brought along some antibiotics that he had (AWESOME) and we started Tani on them immediately. Within a few days he was feeling better and I just took him to the doctor this morning to find that his ears are ALL CLEAR, thank G-d. WE LOVE DR. SABBA!

In other Tani news - today, Jan. 6, is his 2 year birthday!!!! Seeing as today is also Asara B'Tevet, I decided that his gan party would be yesterday (so that the ganenet could partake in the food). Because many of the kids in Tani's gan are so young, they don't like having parents come to the party. So on Sunday afternoon Tani and I baked some delicious cupcakes for Tani to bring for his party on Monday. According to Tani, the cupcakes were made with "eggs and prinkles!" I truly wished I could have been a 2-year-old yesterday so that I could have been at this amazing party. The ganenet said that all the kids had a blast (sometimes the kids aren't so into it). He got a beautiful crown with a big "2" on it that he proudly wore ALL DAY in addition to a booklet that said "Happy Birthday Netanel" on the front and inside were colored pictures from all the kids. It was really great and, according to the ganenet, it should be his birthday every day because everyone, especially Tani of course, enjoyed themselves so much.

To explain the title of the blog - I am leaving tomorrow to America for a short trip for Michelle Schuster's wedding (a very, very good friend of mine and long-time neighbor from Baltimore). The trip is short and I am going alone. No, I'm not a bad mother, it just didn't make sense to ruin Tani's routine for such a short amount of time. And as much as I would have loved to have the whole family go, Elie was not able to take off time from work (so it's really his fault that I HAVE TO go alone). So thus begins the "Abba and Tani Days of Fun!" I really couldn't have planned this trip at all without having my in-laws and sister-in-law so close as they are doing all of the picking up from gan, watching, feeding dinner, etc. part of the program. I am really, really, really going to miss Elie and Tani but am really happy to be getting this chance to see some good friends and family (yay Mommy and Daddy!), and to do a little shopping.

Hopefully I will get a chance to blog from the US - catch you on the other side!!


  1. tuesday night in the heights!! scattegories anyone????

  2. Your own mother did not even know you had posted. I now added something to my google home page that TELLS ME when you put up a new blog because that is the oNLY WAY I FIND OUT.
    Anyway, it was so great having you here, and we're glad you home and safe and where you should be (and where WE should be).
    love you,
